About Loan
The funding requires an amount of € 120,000 for the development and renovation of a plot of land with a building on it.
Loan collateral
First row mortgages on existing real estate - Mortgage.
The value of the property is € 182,700. The full property valuation is uploaded in the Documents section.
The loan is repaid by the end of the project term by selling the developed premises, from company income or refinancing the loan.
Investment risk: B
LTV: 66%
Mortgaged property
The value of the mortgaged property is € 182,700. A plot of land with an existing building of other purpose is being evaluated.
Investing from 100 € - interest 11%
Investing from 15,000 € - Interest 11.5%
Interest on the loan is calculated from the end date of the auction and is paid monthly. Under special offers, the interest rate for investors may differ from those described above.
Loan Period
Loan term: 12 months (with option to repay earlier but not earlier than 6 months).
If the Borrower repays the Loan Amount or part thereof less than 6 months after the due date of 12 months, the Borrower shall pay interest to the Lender for a period of 6 months. After a period of 6 months, the Borrower may repay the Loan at no additional charge.
Company loan repayment period
Expected start of the project: 2020 02 01
Expected project completion: 2020-10-01 - 2020-12-01