Mortgaged property
Living premises 339.9 m2 with buildings and 0.095 ha of land, the value of which is 898,000 Eur. You can find more information about the valuation of the property in the attached files (in the Documents section).
Loan collateral
Mortgage of the first line of existing real estate - Mortgage. The loan is planned to be repaid by the end of the project term after the sale of the property, the income from the legal entity, the recovered investment and / or the refinancing of the loan.
Investment risk: B (medium)
LTV: 43%
Purpose of a business loan
Financing requires an amount of € 390,000, which will be used for a business, investment loan, to release the company's working capital.
When investing from 100 € - interest 11%
When investing from € 10,000 - interest 11,5%
When investing from 25,000 € - interest 12%
Loan term
24 months (with the possibility of repayment earlier, but not earlier than after a period of 6 months).
If the Borrower repays the Loan amount or a part thereof earlier than 6 months after the due date of 24 months, it undertakes to pay interest to the Lender for a period of 6 months. After a period of 6 months, the Borrower may repay the loan (together with the applicable interest) without any additional fees.
By investing in a project, financiers acquire claim rights. Nordstreet does not make it possible to transfer these acquired claim rights to other persons on its platform.
Company loan repayment period
Estimated start date of the loan: 2020 09 10
Expected repayment date of the loan: 2021 09 01 - 2022 02 01